Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Pay inequity is a myth
Link [via Dr.Helen]
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Rosa Parks: Symbol of a movement
Blogger Add-on
Noam Chomsy: A capitalist pig?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
The Non-Credible Threat in Politics
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Draupadi: A 21st century woman?
However, when somebody points to Seetha and says that's the way a modern woman is supposed to behave, that shouldn't make sense either. That was then; this is now.
Why not use Wiki for Education?
Friday, October 14, 2005
Where goes Laxman?
Good Bye IE!
I haven't worked with any other browser except the Netscape Navigator and that was about eight years ago. But Firefox completely floored me. Tabbed browsing? Why didn't anybody else think of that? Built-in pop-blocker -- Welcome, and good-bye all those additional plug-ins I had to download from Yahoo and Google. And I definitely feel this is faster and less resource intensive than IE.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Suicide Bombing in Hyderabad
A Powerful exposlion rocked Hyderabad today, at one of the high security offices of the Andhra Pradesh State Police. A suicide bomber linked to Pakistan's ISI is suspected, reports Eenadu -- a regional news paper.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Cow Dung. Packaged.
Here's what Prof.Arindham Chaudhari says in the dean's message on the IIPM site.
"We need to understand that sustainable growth can be achieved only by committing ourselves to macro level growth strategies that would encompass the bottom 80% of the population and not just the top 20%. This conscientious approach would make a growth rate of 12% per capita per annum possible."
Um...What approach? Just employ macro level growth stratagies that encompasses bottom 80% and voila you get a growth rate of 12% per capita?
"In the light of globalization of the Indian economy and capitulation of Indian brands, it is imperative for tomorrow's leaders to be aware of the above mentioned facts, so that they can face the emerging global challenges of international markets with confidence, while remaining committed to remove massive poverty of Indian masses within a generation."
Above mentioned facts? What facts?
"While some wealthy nations enjoy the luxury of material of plenty, the fact remains that more than twice the number of people killed in the 2nd world war die every year of hunger and curable diseases. And yet we fail to realize that unrestricted satisfaction of all desires is not conducive to human well being! Nor is it the way to happiness, or for that matter, even maximum pleasure!! When the wealthy nations today talk of 'being one' with the rest of the world, and of concepts of global village, their talks simply border on hypocrisy."
Twice the number of people killed in the 2nd world war die every year of hunger and curable diseases! So, employ macro level growth stratagies to bottom 80%? Achieve 12% growth rate and then realize unrestricted satisfaction of all desires is not conducive to human well being? I am scratching my head here.
"The time has come for India to lead the way in showing that this carnage can be stopped with the help of determined leadership and long term committed vision."
Carnage! By who? Could it be by the wealthy nations enjoying the luxury of material of plenty?
"The Indian managers need to develop a strong vision for their companies, and most importantly, for the people who work for them, apart from having a terrific sense of commitment for the country, great motivational skills and leadership qualities."
The rest of the Dean's message is more packaged bull shit. Look's like he's farting and is amused by his own smell.
"A growth rate of 12% per capita per annum would imply that India can beat U.S.A. in terms of purchasing power parity within the next 25 to 30 years and become economically the strongest country in the world. For this, the Government of India needs to support the Indian organizations with suitable pro-people & pro-India policies, which would help Indian organizations in becoming stronger to compete in the world market successfully. Future leaders must be aware of this and not remain intellectually handicapped. IIPM strives for these commitments and continuously endeavours to educate its students and clients on these issues with the belief that sooner than later, structured economic independence can be achieved through a coordinated effort..."
Can anyboy decode this bull shit for me? It just wreaks like a pack of eggs left in a hot room - for a year! I can't believe people are paying close to Rs.800k for joining in the program he's offering.
Right to free speech and Right to work
1. What sort of institute is bent on behaving like Shiv Sainiks trying to force their views on what movies or books the general public is supposed to watch and read?
2. Why isnt' mainstream media(MSM) picking up the story?
3. What is IBM doing without taking a stand in favor of their employee?
Growing up in India, I am used to seeing organizations like IIPM, who spring up overnight, offering false promises to thousands and then couldn't deliver it later. It's pretty much like all the other institutes that you know about only via e-mail Spam. I am not surprised by it's tactics and I am pretty sure it will go down as soon as it has risen up.
But what bothers me is the way MSM chooses not maintain it's distance from this story. If they are worried about the advertising revenue, Michael Higgins has an excellent post about it here.
He says,
I totally agree. The next point is, why the managers at IBM are giving in to IIPM much the same way as the MSM. Do they honestly believe that IIPM students burning their laptops will tarnish IBM's image and not the other way round? They should have dealt with their clout and used their lawyers to protect their employee and not giving in, to a petty client, however big their business might be worth.This raises an interesting economic question: how much does it cost a newspaper to lose its biggest advertiser? To answer this question, they should ask Mr. Chaudhuri, dean of IIPM, to place his head into a basin of water, (any bowl will do, even a toilet bowl), and then quickly remove it from the water. If the image of his face remains in the bowl of water, the newspaper will sorely miss this ad revenue. If the water quickly rushes in to fill the void, then one would assume that likewise many other advertisers would rush in to fill the void caused by the absence of IIPM’s advertising.
This is an important point: there really is no conflict of interest here. No newspaper needs IIPM’s advertising. In the long run, there is no better way to guarantee advertising revenue than to produce a consistently credible newspaper that covers all of the news. Any credible newspaper knows this and purposefully keeps the advertising portion of their newspaper physically separate from the reporters so that there is no interaction between them and so there is no potential for a conflict of interest. In the long run, reputation sells papers, and selling papers brings in advertisers. And the only time the reporters should consider their advertisers is when they read them and wonder: “Who are these people and why are they spending so much on advertising – what is the story here?”