Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Hinduism in Danger!!!

So screamed the middle aged woman with the mike at the LeMont temple, the other day. "The Christians and the Muslims are converting the Hindus and this needs to be stopped," said she. If you think there are hundreds of Hindus with thrishuls to take on an invading army of Muslim and Christian missionaries bent on converting the last remaining Hindu on the planet, -- I am sorry to tell you, you would be wrong. The stage was graduation ceremony for kids aged three to one-hundred-three(sic) in their respective mother tongues. The whole thing was hilarious. If I didn't enjoy spending time with my little nephew and niece so much, I would never be at the temple at that early in the morning. Once the woman finished her long speech of the impending gloom that is Hinduism's fate in the coming years, the kids got a chance to display their proficiency in the languages they toiled to learn every Sunday morning with a heavy dose of American accent. This is America: Kids are encouraged to speak English at home; and then sent to Sunday school to learn their mother tongue. And for the spirtually inclined kids, there is Religion 101 too. I can't wait for the day when my little one is on stage reciting okati, rendu, moodu...in Telugu. There are tears in my eyes, already!

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